Automaton in Philosopher's Wool
design is entirely the work of Debbie New. Many years ago she designed and knit
the first of these in our chunky weight wool, and as a cardigan. It is featured
in her book "Unexpected Knitting" and in her card of this work.(see
here) We
loved the simplicity of Debbie's one paragraph description, and the fact that
mutations can happen and would create your own unique pattern.. Debbie would
like to add that you can make this sweater with a random start row to make an
assymetric, one of a kind sweater, and no one would ever know if you had make
any mistakes. Thank you Debbie! Our pullover has been knit in Rainbow colors
on black. It is as striking as any rainbow would be at mid-night.
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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without the express written permission of The Philosopher's Wool Company is strictly prohibited.