Crop Top Jackets in Philosopher's Wool


We decided to turn our store's stock of cropped tops into snazzy light weight jackets.
To do this we removed part of the curled bottom edge and picked up the stitches to knit about 3 extra inches down.
We then changed to a smaller needle and knit one purl row for the edge and continued to knit about one inch of facing. This is then turned up and stitched down.The center front stitch was then marked and 2 fine rows of machine stitching were made on either side of the central stitch. Button bands are then picked up and ribbed as in all our other cardigans. Voila..perhaps your first steeking and cutting!
Patch pockets could be added on the inside for those who find them essential.
This jacket could also be knit from any striped shawl kit or one of the Trio kits.
In that case you would cast on the body with a smaller needle and after one inch knit one purl row for the turn over, change to your larger needle and complete the striped body of the Crop Top, striped as you like and to the length that you want.
Crop Top Jacket in 2 ply Philosopher's Wool
Designed by Susan Clueit

Finished Chest Size: 30-32-36"
Yarn: 4 skeins 2 ply worsted weight
Tension: 20 sts = 4" (5 sts = 1") for body and sleeve
Needles: Circular needles in lengths of 40 and 80 cm are used in sizes 5.0 mm for the body and circular needles 80 cm in size 4 mm for casting on and rolled edges or the sizes needed to give correct tension.

With 4 mm needle, cast on 146 (162,182) stitches and knit 14 rows in the same color for the rolled edge. Change to 5 mm needle and continue to knit with stripes of varying widths if desired for 10.25, (10.75, 11.25) inches. The sweaters shown never use more than 5 rows of any one colour at a time and often just one or two rows before changing colour.
Cast off 12sts at beginning of next round, knit 61 (69,79)sts, cast off 12sts, knit 61 (69,79)sts.
Continue to work back and forth and decrease one stitch at each end of right side rows six times, 49 (57,67) stitches remain. Knit until back measures 7.25 (7.5, 7.75) inches from the armhole cast off. Place on holder.
Continue to work back and forth and decrease one stitch at each end of right side rows six times, 49 (57,67) stitches remain. Knit until front is 3.5 inches shorter than back. Place centre 9 (11,13) stitches on a holder. Decrease at neck edge on right side rows 4 (5,6) times. There will be 16 (18,21) stitches remaining. Knit until front is the same length as back. Cast off shoulders.
Neck Band:
Using a 4 mm needle and right side facing, join at back of neck, knit across the back stitches from holder, pick up along left side of neck, knit across front stitches form holder and finally pick up along right side. Join to from round and knit 14 rows. Cast off using the larger needle.
With 4 mm needle for rolled cuff, cast on 42 stitches. Change to 5 mm needles and continue to knit with stripes if desired increasing 2 stitches, one at the beginning and one at the end of every sixth round, until you have 68 (74,80) stitches or the desired width. Continue until sleeve measures 16 (17,18) inches or desired length. Cast off six stitches at each end of the next row. Continue to work back and forth and decrease one stitch at each end of every right side row until you have 34 (36,38) stitches. Cast off 3 (4,4) stitches at the beginning of the next four rows. Cast off.
Sew in sleeves, darn in ends and enjoy the cropped top.

To Wash: Hand wash in a large sink with Sunlight Liquid detergent in hand warm water. Allow to soak for 2 or 3 minutes, drain and rinse in several sinks of warm water. Squeeze gently and spin out excess in washer. Lay out flat on a towel, by wood stove or radiator until dry. Our wool washes easily and beautifully or you may dry clean.

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Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or medium without the express written permission of The Philosopher's Wool Company is strictly prohibited.